Thursday, July 3, 2008

how do we love thee rice? let us count the ways...

Vietnam is a land of many things... It is a land of great beauty from the tree-covered mountains near Dalat to the gorgeous beaches of Nha Trang. It's a land with a rich cultural heritage after overcoming a difficult past. It's a land of great seafood and spices.

And it's also a land of rice.

White rice. Sticky rice. Fat rice noodles. Skinny rice noodles. Rice paper. Fried rice paper. Rice paper with sesame seeds. Rice kernels. Rice popcorn. Rice crispy treats (seriously). Rice noodles wrapped in rice paper. Rice noodles and fried rice paper wrapped in rice paper. Rice porridge. And those are only the ones off the top of our head.

I guess I should probably give up the low carb diet.

Got rice,


Legally Brown said...


Jason D. said...

You know as I read this my inner-monologue reads it in your voice.

Legally Brown said...

post a new post!

jason -- mine too. i think i even start it with "heyyyy"