Saturday, June 21, 2008


BKK = bangkok. Not to be confused with the two other southeast asian airports I had layovers in-- Taipei and Hong Kong. It took 24+ hours to get here, but I made it! (Yes, Jess, I'm giving you se asia...) :)

Anyway, so BKK is HOTT. No, like literally, really really hot. In fact, I don't think I've stopped sweating since I've landed...unless the shower counts.

My last 1.5 days have been spent eating pad thai and spring rolls and drinking fresh mango shakes from street vendors, riding in tuk tuk's (aka auto-rickshaws) and getting foot massages (yes, plural). Oh, and I visited the most amazing market ever- Chakatuk was HUGE...and had everything from puppies and rabbits for sale (no seriously) to the best top 40 hip-hop ever. I have decided a full day will be dedicated to this market on my way back to the states (send requests this way).

...Ant arrives tomorrow...and Jess...well, who knows...


pooj and jess said...

-lose phone (check)
-lock yourself out of the house for 3 hours when you still need to pack (check)
-get back phone from creepy old man (check)
-miss your flight because you forgot to set your alarm (check)

I'M READY FOR BANGKOK!!!! See you Monday, Pooj! =)


atn19 said...

Jess is officially an idiot. I am once again forced to temporarily disown her.

jaimeclaire said...

omg jess missed her flight?!

judo said...

Good start to your vacation Jess. I can't believe you made your mom stayed up the whole night so SHE can wake YOU up so you won't miss your flight again :)